Telegram adds group video calling feature at last for both Mobile & Desktop versions of their apps. This feature was announced back in 2020 and finally, Telegram users won’t have to worry about getting to use a different app for their video calls.
Although WhatsApp had already added this feature, for those who really prefer Telegram, it is like a dream come true.
The group video calls will be limited to the first 30 people who join a voice chat based on the information from the Telegram Blog. But the company has plans to increase that limit in the nearest future.
So, now Voice chats in any group can now seamlessly turn into group video calls – just tap the camera icon to switch your video on.
In addition to your camera feed, you can also share your screen – or both at the same time. And a new improved noise suppression feature in voice chats has been added to keep everyone’s audio clear and crisp, even when you’re eating something crispy.